West Meade Swim Team News

March 12, 2008  

Dear West Meade Swim Club Parents, It is hard to believe, but the WMSC swim season will begin in less than 12 short weeks. The Piranhas had a fantastic season last summer, and we hope to keep the fun and competition going again this year.  Cost for swim team is $75 per swimmer. Each child registered before May 10th will receive a free team t-shirt, free team swim cap (the design has the Piranha and WMSC emblazoned on it, a $10 value) and a team tattoo! Registration fee includes all weekly meets and City Meet fees. Our wonderful head coach, Christy Link is back along with assistant coach Ashley Herrmann. We are very excited to add Britney Pickney as a coaches’ assistant.  

Swim Schedule:   

Mock meet June 6 @ 3 p.m. @ WM

June 17 - Langford Farms @ WM

June 24 - Bluegrass @ WM

July 1 – Bye

July 8 - Cages Bend @ WM

July 15 - WM @ Old Hickory

July 22 - WM @ Indian Lake

July 25-27  - City Meet 

Practices will begin on Tuesday, May 27. New practice times are Monday - Friday:

11 & up: 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.

9-10 yr. olds: 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.

7 & 8 yr. olds: 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

6 & under: 11:30 a.m.12:00 noon 

There will be two practices offered in the evenings on Monday & Thursday 5-6:00 p.m. 

Additional stroke lessons will be offered and information forthcoming.  

We will have a Piranha “Round-Up” at the pool on May 24 & 25, from 2-4 p.m. 


Tonya McCulla                                             Christy Link

Swim Team Rep.                                         Swim Coach


Why should I join the West Meade Swim Team?

Ø    FUN! -- Have a great time with your friends at the pool!

Ø    FRIENDSHIP! – Make new friends as you meet kids from different schools that live in you neighborhood!

Ø    EXERCISE! – Don’t be a couch potato this summer.  Get out and exercise at swim team practice!  Keep your body in good shape for fall sports!  And you don’t have to know the strokes before you start.  That’s why you join—to learn!

Ø    NOT A HUGE TIME COMMITMENT!  --  Practice is held in the morning, leaving plenty of time for other activities.  Also, the swim team season is fairly short.  The season ends with the City Meet in late July.

Ø    SUPPORT YOUR SWIM CLUB! The more swimmers we have, the better our swim team will be!   

Swim Suits

We will be using the same style suits as last year.  However, if your swimmer  wants/needs a new one, you will be able to find the right size and order team swim suits at the kickoff.  Also, although we won’t have a formal swim suit resale this year, feel free to bring your still-useable-but-outgrown swimsuits to the kickoff.  You will likely be able to connect with an interested buyer.

Swim Team Practice Schedule

            Morning practice:                        9:00 – 10:00 am                    11 and up

                                                            10:00 – 10:45 am                 9-10 year olds

                                                            10:45 – 11:30 am                 7-8 year olds

                                                            11:30 – 12:00 noon                 6 and under

            Afternoon practice**                    4:30 – 5:15 pm                      11 and up

                                                             5:15 – 6:00 pm                      10 and under

            ** Afternoon practices are scheduled Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.  All swimmers are encouraged to attend morning practices.  Afternoon practices should be used as make-ups or additional practices.

Meet Schedule

Intra team “Mock Meet”  --

It is important that all swimmers be involved in this meet.  Coaches will be getting times for various events to guide them in event line-ups for the first swim meet.  This is also the best way for first-time swimmers (and parents) to get a feel for what a swim meet is like.  It also give the parents and volunteers a chance to try out different volunteer duties and to be sure our volunteer organizing is ready for the season.


The swim team could not operate without our great parent volunteers.  Each meet requires 40-50 volunteer positions to be filled by our club, each for ½ day.  Working the morning and afternoon sessions of one meet counts as two volunteer slots.  With about 80 families in our club, you can see the importance of everyone doing their share.  Most of these jobs require just a few minutes training.  A few, such as food preparation, can be done in the evening.  We also need a few volunteers to take the Nashville Swim League Training to be stroke and turn judges, starters and referees.  A job description for each volunteer position is included below.  Sign-up sheets for all the volunteer opportunities will also be posted by the front door at that May 30 kick-off.  Thanks in advance for your help.


Your swim team committee and the coaches are looking forward to a great, fun summer swim season.  We all want to make it a fun, exciting, and educational experience for all the swimmers.  Please feel free to let the committee know if you have any suggestions on how to add to the fun.

You can contact the swim team committee through:

            Bob Currie at bobc2@comcast.net or 352-7387

            Beth Cosgrove at bdcosgrove@yahoo.com or 356-9110